sobota, 13 marca 2010

PyShare first "birthday" and 0.5.0 release

It's been exactly a year since first PyShare release:). Today 20th version of PyShare is released as 0.5.0 bringing:
-configuration dialog
-history of uploads
-screenshot button in main window
-icons for non-image uploads
-experimental proxy support for imageshack
-handling of rapidshare premium accounts uploads

sobota, 27 lutego 2010

PyShare needs you

I would like to add branding to PyShare. If you want to help please send 192x192(or bigger) images(licensed CC-BY-SA) to naicik *at* gmail *dot* com with title "PyShare artwork". Artwork should be somehow connected to PyShare(ie: uploading, share of pie, python etc). If you send only one big icon keep in mind that gnome panel commonly have only 24px height so icon should be recognizable in this resolution. Bonus points for wallpapers with branding;)

PL: Zachęcam wszystkich którzy chcą pomóc w rozwoju PyShare o stworzenie dla niego ikonki. Powinna być ona chociaż luźno związana z projektem(wysyłaniem, pythonem, kawałkiem ciastka itd), mieć rozmiar co najmniej 192x192 i być na licencji CC-BY-SA. Pracę proszę wysyłać na naicik *at* gmail *dot* z tytułem "PyShare artwork".